2023.9.23 Li Yu The Cancer Science Young Scientists Award “The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans promotes tumor metastasis by inducing vascular inflammation” published in Cancer Science Vol 113 Issue 11
2023.9.7 Yu Li 第12回北海道癌談話会奨励賞 “The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans promotes tumor metastasis by inducing vascular inflammation”
2014.8.20 Yasunaga Y., Maishi N., Hida K., Shindoh M., 2014 DENTSPLY Student Crinitian Research Program
2014.4.26 安永賢史 第103回日本病理学会総会優秀発表賞
2014.3.25 森谷康人 平成25年度北海道大学歯学部同窓会賞
2013.8.22 Kawamoto T, Ohga N, Akiyama K, Hirata N, Kitahara S, Maishi N, Osawa T, Yamamoto K, Kondoh M, Shindoh M, Hida Y, Hida K. :Tumor-derived microvesicles induce proangiogenic phenotype in endothelial cells via endocytosis.PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e34045, 2012, 第108回北海道癌談話会奨励賞
2013.8.21 Moritani Y., Akiyama K., Maishi N., Hojo T., Hida K., 2013 DENTSPLY Student Crinitian Research Program
2012.12.6 Hida K., Omura H., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Maishi N., Kawamoto T., Kondoh M., Hida Y.: Characterization of stem-like tumor endothelial cells, The 20th annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and MedicineOrganization, The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology, 2012.12. 5-7, Tokushima, Japan, Best Award of Oral Session
2012.9.8 Ohga N., Ishikawa S., Maishi N., Akiyama K., Hida Y., Kawamoto T., Sadamoto Y., Osawa T.,Yamamoto K., Kondoh M., Ohmura H., Shinohara N., Nonomura K., Shindoh M., *Hida K.:Heterogeneity of tumor endothelial cells: comparison between tumor endothelial cells isolated from high- and low-metastatic tumors. Am J Pathol 180(3):1294-1307,2012,平成24年度北海道癌談話会奨励賞
2012.6.20 Ohga N., Ishikawa S., Maishi N., Akiyama K., Hida Y., Kawamoto T., Sadamoto Y., Osawa T.,Yamamoto K., Kondoh M., Ohmura H., Shinohara N., Nonomura K., Shindoh M., *Hida K.:Heterogeneity of tumor endothelial cells: comparison between tumor endothelial cells isolated from high- and low-metastatic tumors. Am J Pathol 180(3):1294-1307、2012、平成24年度日本臨床口腔病理学会奨励賞
2011.11.4-6 Yamamoto K., Ohga N., Hida Y., Maishi N., Kawamoto T., Kitayama K., Akiyama K., Osawa T., Kondoh M., Omura H., Kaga K., Hirano S., Shinohara N., Shindoh M., Hida K., 日蘭二国間交流セミナー(JSPS-NOW Joint Seminar)血管新生 研究の最新事情:個体発生と疾患制御(Frontiers in Angiogenesis: Development & Diseases) Young Investigator Award
2011.8.19 Kawahara Y., Kondo M., Maishi N., Ohga N., Hida K., 2011 DENTSPLY Student Crinitian Research Program