Hida K: 2024 KSBC-Hokkaido University Joint Symposium on Bioconvergence, “The role of tumor endothelial cells in cancer metastasis”, 2024,8,28, Sapporo
Li Yu: 2024 KSBC-Hokkaido University Joint Symposium on Bioconvergence, “Tumor endothelial cells and cancer-associated thrombosis”, 2024,8,28, Sapporo
Hida K: The 1st International Symposium on Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, “Contribution of tumor endothelial cells in tumor progression”, 2024.3.23, Sapporo
Yu L, Maishi N, Akahori E, Hong Y, Hasebe A, Takeda R, Matsuda A, Hida Y, Kitagawa Y, Hida K: The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans promotes tumor metastasis by inducing vascular inflammation and thrombosis, Vascular Biology 2023,10.18, Newport, USA
Li Yu, Maishi N, Akahori E, Hasebe A, Takeda R, Yanagawa Matsuda A, Hida Y, Nam JM, Onodera Y, Kitagawa Y, Hida K: 第82回日本癌学会学術総会 [YSA]Cancer Science ヤングサイエンティストアワード受賞講演 “The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans promotes tumor metastasis by inducing vascular inflammation” , 9.21, 横浜
Yu L, Maishi N, Akahori E, Hasebe A, Takeda R, Matsuda A, Hida Y, Kitagawa Y, Hida K, 2023 KVBM Annual Meeting & AAVBM in partnership with ICoLA, Korea-Japan young investigator session, The oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans promotes tumor metastasis by inducing vascular inflammation and thrombosis, 2023.9.14, Seoul, Korea
Hida K: The 2023 Conference of Asia Pacific Societies for Extracellular Vesicles(APSEV), “Vasclar endothelial cell heterogeneity in diseases”, 2023.4.1, Taipei
樋田京子:第45回日本分子生物学会年会公募ワークショップ「生体組織の形成・再生・恒常性維持とその破綻における血管の新たな機能」, “がんと感染症における血管内皮細胞の多様性, The heterogeneity of endothelial cells in tumor and infectious disease”2022.12.2(幕張)
Hida K: Tumor endothelial cells induce metastasis by disrupting immune environment22nd International Vascular Biology Meeting (IVBM 2022) Session: Angiogenesis and Vascular Remodeling, 2022.10.15, Oakland, CA, USA
樋田京子: Gynecologic Cancer Clinical Research Seminar2022, “腫瘍血管とがん微小環境”, 2022.10.5(岡山開催, Web接続にてリモート講演)
Hida K: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Cutting Edge Session, “Epigenetic heterogeneity in tumor endothelial cells(腫瘍血管内皮におけるエピゲノム多様性)”, 2022.10.1(横浜)
Maishi N, Hida K: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, International Sessions,“Promotion of tumor metastasis by tumor endothelial cells(腫瘍血管内皮細胞による転移促進)”2022.9.30(横浜)
Hida K: The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, JCA-AACR Joint Symposium -Sponsored by Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund-, “The contribution of tumor endothelial cells in tumor progression(腫瘍血管内皮細胞がもたらすがんの進展への影響)”2022.9.29(横浜)
間石奈湖:第64回歯科基礎医学会学術大会 日本学術会議シンポジウム(市民公開)Science Council of Japan Symposium「口腔と全身のネットワーク~脈管系から生命現象を理解する」, “がんおよび感染症における血管病態の解明”, 2022.9.17(徳島)
間石奈湖,樋田京子:The 10th SaSSOH 2022 (Sapporo Summer Symposium for One Health), “The role of tumor endothelial cells in tumor progression”, 2022. 9. 14, Hybrid(Online and Lecture Building Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University)
Hida K.: The 7th JCA-AACR Special Joint Conference“The Latest Advances in Pancreatic Cancer Research:From Basic Science to Therapeutics”, “Contribution of tumor endotheilal cells in tumor progression”, 2022. 7.9(京都)
Hida K.: The 40th Sapporo International Cancer Symposium, “The impact of vascular endothelial cell heterogeneity in tumor microenvironment”, 2022.6.25, Sapporo
間石奈湖:国際オンラインシンポジウム”Understanding of Novel Biological Phenomena in Cancer and Immunology Research”, “The role of tumor endothelial cells in tumor progression”, 2022.1.27(WEB開催)
樋田京子:第80回日本癌学会学術総会シンポジウム” Metastasis: development of novel strategies through multifaceted understanding”, “The role of tumor endothelial cells in cancer metastasis”腫瘍血管内皮の異常とがん転移,9.30(横浜,Hybrid開催)
間石奈湖:第32回日本臨床口腔病理学会総会・学術大会,” Tumour endothelial cells in high metastatic tumours promote metastasis via epigenetic dysregulation of biglycan”, 奨励賞受賞者講演, 2021.8.12,神奈川歯科大学横須賀キャンパス(online)
Hida K: The 79th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Assosiation Symposium, Real world of tumor microenvironment, “The role of tumor endothelial cells in the immune environment”, 2020.10.2, Hiroshima, Japan
樋田京子: 第79回日本癌学会学術総会特別シンポジウム「がん研究における女性研究者(WSCR)Women scientists in cancer research」, “治療標的としての腫瘍血管内皮細胞の異常性”, 2020.10.1(広島)
Hida K: New Insights Into Drug-Resistance: Abnormality in Tumor Endothelial Cells, The 21th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2020.9.11, Seoul, Korea
Hida K.:Roles of tumor endothelial cells in tumor progression, the 2019 AVBS SCIENTIFIC MEETING-JOINT VASCULAR BIOLOGY MEETING, 2019.9.20, Sydney, Australia
樋田京子:令和元年北海道大学歯学部口腔外科同門会学術大会,“腫瘍血管研究と今後の展望~Bench to Bedの実現にむけて~”, 2019.9.14(札幌)
Maishi N.:International Symposium between National Yang-Ming University and Hokkaido University, “Contribution of Tumor Endothelial Cells to Tumor Metastasis”, 2019.8.11
樋田京子:第25回血管生物医学会学術集会 AAVBM2017シンポジウム“Tumor Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis”,“Chemotherapy-induced drug resistance in tumor endothelial cells”,2017.12.10(大阪)
間石奈湖:第116回北海道癌談話会奨励賞受賞記念講演,“Tumor endothelial cells in high metastatic tumours promote metastasis via epigenetic dysregulation of biglycan”,2017.10.21(札幌)
Maishi N., Hida K.:Spring Special Symposium of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization,“Tumor endothelial cells instigate metastasis of indolent tumors”,2015.5.13(Osaka, Japan)
Maishi N., Hida K.:The 17th HU-SNU JOINT SYMPOSIUM “Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anti-angiogenic therapy”, 2014.11.28(Sapporo, Japan)
Maishi N., Hida K.:17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine, “Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anticancer drugs”, 2014.5.26 (Istanbul, Turkey)
Hida K.:”Tumor endothelial cells as key players in tumor microenvironment.” International Symposium on Vascular Biology and Medicine, 2014.4.18(Sendai, Japan)
Hida K.:”Heterogeneity of tumor endothelium”, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
Hida K.:“Heterogeneity of Tumor Endothelial Cells.”The 43rd International Symposium of The Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund“Cancer Heterogeneity: Impact on Carcinogenesis, Cancer Stem Cell, Microenvironment, Diagnosis and Treatment” 2012.11.15(Tokyo, Japan)
Hida K.:“Altered phenotype in endothelial cells in tumor microenvironment.”The 2nd International Symposium by JSPS Core-to-Core Program“Cooperative International Framework in TGF-β Family Signaling” 2012.10.30(Tokyo, Japan)
Hida K.:“Crosstalk between tumor endothelial cells and tumor cells.”The 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, 2012.9.21(Sapporo, Japan)
樋田京子:The 8th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Association for Cancer and Hypoxia Research, “低酸素環境における腫瘍血管ダイナミクス”, 2011.1.29-30(札幌)
Hida K. : “Crosstalk between Tumor Endothelial Cells and Microenvironment.” The 13th Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Sympojium, 26th Nov, 2010 (Sapporo)
樋田京子:第56回日本病理学会秋期特別総会, “Crosstalk between tumor endothelial cells and microenvironment”, 2010.11.26(北九州)
Hida K. Crosstalk between blood vessels and tumor microenvironment. The Meeting of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Sister School Affiliation between Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University and School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University:2010 Oct 14:Sapporo, Japan
Hida K, Klagsbrun M, Hida Y and Shindoh M. “Chromosomal Abnormalities of Human Tumor-Associated Endothelial Cells” THE U.S.-JAPAN COOPERATIVE CANCER RESEARCH PROGRAM WORKSHOP (NCI-JSPS Joint Workshop):2008 Mar 19-21:Kyoto Japan.
Hida K*., Klagsbrun M., Hida Y. and Shindoh M.: Abnormality of tumor endothelial cells. International sessions 2 Cancer Angiogenesis. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, 2007.10.3-5 (Yokohama,Japan)
Hida K.: The COE 3rd International Symposium~Novel perspectives in cancer research and translation to the clinic“Understanding Abnormality of Tumor Endothelial Cells to Develop Ideal Antiangiogenic Therapies” 2006.11.9(Sendai, Japan)
Hida K*.: AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research “Anti-Angiogenesis and Drug Delivery to tumors:Bench to Bedside and Back” Tumor-associated endothelial cells with cytogenetic abnormalities“ 2005.11.9-13 (Boston)
樋田京子、樋田泰浩, 小林正伸, 進藤正信, Michael Klagsbrun:腫瘍血管内皮についての新しい洞察, 第85回北海道癌談話会秋期シンポジウム「血管新生の新しいパラダイムと癌」, 2005.11.5(札幌)