Morimoto M., Maishi N., Matsuda A. Kitamura T., Higashino F., Kitagawa Y., Hida Y., Hida K.:Promotion of metastasis via alteration of vascular endothelium by tumor exosome miRNA, Annual Meeting ISEV2019, 2019.4.26, Kyoto, Japan
Hida K., Kikuchi H., Maishi N., Abe T., Maruyama S., Harabayashi T., Ameda K., Matsuno Y., Hida Y., Shinohara N.:MDR1/ABCB1 upregulation in tumor blood vessels by chemotherapy-induced IL-8, 20th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2018.6.3-7, Helsinki, Finland
Hida Y., Morimoto H., Maishi N., Nishihara H., Hatanaka Y., Matsuno Y., Nakamura T., Hirano S., Hida K.:Biglycan, tumor endothelial cell secreting proteoglycan, as possible biomarker for lung cancer, 20th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2018.6.3-7, Helsinki, Finland
D.A. Annan, N. Maishi N., Soga T., R. Dawood, Y. Hida Y., Hida K.:Tumor endothelial cells survive under lactic acidosis, AACR ANNUAL MEETING 2012, 2018.4.16, Chicago, Illinois
Li Cong, 間石奈湖,Young Marian F, 森本浩史, 森本真弘,Annan Dorcas A., 樋田泰浩,樋田京子:The involvement of stromal biglycan in tumor angiogenesis and metastasis, 第51回北海道病理談話会,2018.10.13(札幌)
Annan Dorcas A., 間石奈湖,曽我朋義,篠原信雄,Dawood Randa, Li Cong, 菊地 央,北條敬之,森本真弘,樋田泰浩,樋田京子:Carbonic anhydrase 2 (CAⅡ) is essential for tumor endothelial cell proliferation, 第51回北海道病理談話会,2018.10.13(札幌)
Dorcas A. Annan, Maishi N., Soga T., Randa Dawood, Hida Y. and Hida K.:Glutamine Metabolism in Tumor Endothelial Cells,第3回北大・部局横断シンポジウム 研究ネットワーク促進プログラム~Young Researchers in Cutting-edge Life Science~,2018.1.26(札幌)