Hida K., Maishi N., Dorcas Akuba-Muhyia Annan and Hida Y.:Edit by Takanori Kawaguchi, Cancer Metastasis and Cancer Stem Cell/Niche, “Tumor Endthelial Cells and Cancer Progression”, Bentham Books, 61-73, 2016(分担執筆)
*Hida K., Maishi N., Torii C., Hida Y.:Tumor Angiogenesis—Characteristics of Tumor Endothelial Cells, Int J Clin Oncol, 21(2),206-212
*Hida K., Maishi N., Sakurai Y., Hida Y., Harashima H.:Heterogeneity of tumor endothelial cells and drug delivery, Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 99(Pt B), 140-147, 2016
*Hida K., Maishi N., Kawamoto T., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Hida Y., Yamada K., Hojo T., Kikuchi H., Sato M., Torii C., Shinohara N., Shindoh M.:Tumor endothelial cells express high pentraxin 3 levels, Pathol Int, 66(12), 687-694,2016
*Hida K., Maishi N., Torii C., Yanagiya M., Annan Akuba-Muhyia Dorcas., Morimoto M., Alam Mohammad Towfik:Comparison of characteristics of mouse immortalized normal endothelial cells, MS1 and primary cultured endothelial cells, Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 37(1), 40-48, 2016
Maishi N., Ohba Y., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Hamada J., Nagao-Kitamoto H., Mohammad Towfik Alam, Yamamoto K., Kawamoto T., Inoue N., Taketomi A., Shindoh M., Hida Y., *Hida K.:Tumour endothelial cells in high metastatic tumours promote metastasis via epigenetic dysregulation of biglycan, Sci Rep, 6, 28039〔PDF〕
Shahrabi-Farahani S., Gallottini M., Martins F., Li E., Mudge DR., Nakayama H., Hida K., Panigrahy D., D’Amore PA., Bielenberg DR.: Neuropilin 1 Receptor is Upregulated in Dysplastic Epithelium and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Am J Pathol, 186(4), 1055-1064, 2016
Hida K., Torii C., Maishi N., Morimoto M., Akiyama K., Kawamoto T., Minami T., Yoshioka Y., Mohammad Towfik Alam, Shindoh M., Hida Y., Ochiya T:Tumor endothelial cells acquire drug resistance by exosomal-miR derived from high metastatic tumor, The 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2016. 11.2, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Maishi N., Ohba Y., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Hamada J., Nagao-Kitamoto H., Mohammad Towfik Alam, Shindoh M., Hida Y. Hida K.:Tumor endothelial cells in high metastatic tumors promote metastasis via biglycan, The 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2016. 11.2, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Kikuchi H., Maishi N., Akiyama K., Morimoto M., Yanagiya M., Miyajima N., Tuchiya K., Maruyama S., Abe T., Hida Y., Harabayashi T., Ameda K., Matsumoto R., Kashiwagi A., Demura T., Tsuda M., Tanaka S., Matsuno Y., Shinohara N., Hida K.:P-glycoprotein expression dynamics in tumor blood vessels of urothelial carcinoma during chemotherapy,” has been accepted for presentation at Vascular Biology, The 19th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2016. 11.2, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Hida K., Maishi N., Ohga N., Hida Y.:Heterogeneity of Tumor endothelium, The 41th Naito Conference on “Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity: Relevance to Therapeutic Resistance”, 2016.7.7 (Sapporo, Japan)
Hida K.:Heterogeneity of Tumor Endothelial Cells, Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2016, 2016.4.1, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Maishi N.:Tumor Endothelial Cells Promote Metastasis via Biglycan, Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2016, 2016.4.1, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Maishi N., Ohba Y., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Hamada J., Mohammad Towfik Alam, Shindoh M., Hida Y., Hida K:Tumor endothelial cells promote metastasis via biglycan secretion,Tenth AACR-JCA Joint Conference “Breakthroughs in Cancer Research: From Biology to Therapeutics”,2016.2.17 (Maui,Hawaii)
柳谷美沙,間石奈湖,鳥居ちさほ,樋田泰浩,大賀則孝,鄭 漢忠,進藤正信,北川善政,樋田京子:Correlation between CXCR7 expression of blood vessels and clinicopathological features in oral squamous cell carcinoma,第24回日本血管生物医学会学術集会,2016.12.10(長崎)
菊地 央,間石奈湖,秋山廣輔,森本真弘,柳谷美沙,土屋邦彦,安部崇重,樋田泰浩,原林 透,飴田 要,柏木 明,田中伸哉,松野吉宏,篠原信雄,樋田京子:P-glycoprotein expression dynamics in tumor blood vessels of urothelial carcinoma during chemotherapy,第24回日本血管生物医学会学術集会,2016.12.10(長崎)
Annan Dorcas Akuba Muhyia,間石奈湖,曽我朋義,北條敬之,樋田泰浩,菊地 央,樋田京子:Tumor endothelial cells are resistant to acidic environments,第49回北海道病理談話会,第7回IGM研究交流会,2016.10.18(札幌)