


  1. 樋田京子:腫瘍血管新生阻害療法の今後の展望,「Surgery Frontier~特集:癌と微小環境」,21(2),53-57,2014
  2. 樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮の特異性と新たな治療戦略への展望,「病理と臨床~特集:がんと間質」,32(1), 45-50, 2014


  1. Kibria G., Hatakeyama H.,Akiyama K., Hida K. and Harashima H.:Comparative Study of the Sensitivities of Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin, and Relationships between the Effect of the Drug-Efflux Pump P-gp,Biol. Pharm. Bull.37(12), 1926–1935, 2014
  2. Ohmura-Kakutani H§., Akiyama K.§, Maishi N., Ohga N., Hida Y., Kawamoto T., Iida J., Shindoh M., Y. *Hida K.:Identification of Tumor Endothelial Cells with High Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity and a Highly Angiogenic Phenotype,PLoS ONE, in press.
  3. Akhter A., Hayashi Y., Sakurai Y., Ohga N., Hida K., Harashima H.:Ligand density at the surface of a nanoparticle and different uptake mechanism: Two important factors for successful siRNA delivery to liver endothelial cells, Int J Pharm,475 (1-2):227-237, 2014
  4. Ara MN., Matsuda T., Hyodo M, Sakurai Y, Ohga N., Hida K.:Construction of an aptamer modified liposomal system targeted to tumor endothelial cells, Bio Pharm Bull, 37(11):1742-9, 2014
  5. Alam MT.§, Nagao-Kitamoto H.§, Ohga N., Akiyama K., Maishi N.,  Kawamoto T., Shinohara N., Taketomi A., Shindoh M., Hida Y. and *Hida K.:Suprabasin as a novel tumor endothelial cell marker, Cancer Sci,105(12), 1533–1540, 2014
  6. Ara MN., Matsuda T., Hyodo M, Sakurai .Y, Hatakeyama H., Ohga N., Hida K., Harashima H. :An aptamer ligand based liposomal nanocarrier system that targets tumor endothelial cells,Biomaterials, 35(25), 7110-7120, 2014
  7. Ara MN., Hyodo M., Ohga N., Akiyama K., Hida K., Hida Y., Shinohara N., Harashima H.:Identification and expression of troponin T, a new marker on the surface of cultured tumor endothelial cells by aptamer ligand, Cancer Med, 3(4), 825-834, 2014
  8. Otsubo T., Hida Y., Ohga N., Sato H., Kai T., Matsuki Y., Takasu H., Akiyama K., Maishi N., Kawamoto T., Shinohara N., Nonomura K., *Hida K.:Identification of Novel Targets for Antiangiogenic Therapy by Comparing the Gene Expressions of Tumor and Normal Endothelial Cells, Cancer Sci, 105(5), 560-567, 2014
  9. Habiba U., Kitamura T. Yanagawa-Matsuda A., Hida K., Higashino F., Ohiro Y., Totsuka Y. and Shindoh M.:Cytoplasmic expression of HuR may be a valuable diagnostic tool for determining the potential for malignant transformation of oral verrucous borderline lesions, Oncol Rep, 31(4), 1547-1554, 2014
  10. Sakurai Y., Hatakeyama H., Sato Y., Hyodo M., Akita H.,Ohga N., Hida K., Harashima H.:RNAi-mediated gene knockdown and anti-angiogenic therapy of RCCs using a cyclic RGD-modified liposomal-siRNA system, J Control Release, 173(10), 110-118, 2014


  1. Maishi N., Hida K.:The 17th HU-SNU JOINT SYMPOSIUM “Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anti-angiogenic therapy”, 2014.11.28(Sapporo, Japan)
  2. 樋田京子:北海道大学遺伝子病制御研究所・金沢大学がん進展制御研究所ジョイントシンポジウム2014,“腫瘍血管の異常性獲得メカニズムについて”,2014.10.27(札幌)
  3. 樋田京子:第1回細胞外小胞学会,“Tumor-derived exosome miRNA induce abnormality in tumor endothelial cells”,2014.8.28(広島)
  4. 樋田京子:金沢女性がん研究者フォーラム,“腫瘍血管の多様性と新たな治療法開発”2014.7.30(金沢)
  5. 樋田京子:第41回日本毒性学会学術年会ミニシンポジウム「耐性の新たなメカニズム:農薬から抗がん剤、抗ウィルス薬まで」,“腫瘍血管内皮細胞の薬剤抵抗性”,2014.7.4(神戸)
  6. 樋田京子:公開シンポジウム「血管を標的とするナノ医療の実用化に向けて拠点形成~がんを始めとする国民病を血管から治療する~」,“腫瘍血管内皮の多様性解明と個別化血管新生阻害法の開発”2014.6.27(札幌)
  7. 間石奈湖:公開シンポジウム「血管を標的とするナノ医療の実用化に向けて拠点形成~がんを始めとする国民病を血管から治療する~」,“腫瘍血管内皮の多様性解明と個別化血管新生阻害法の開発”, 6.27(札幌)
  8. Maishi N., Hida K.:17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine, “Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anticancer drugs”, 2014.5.26 (Istanbul, Turkey)
  9. 樋田京子:第68回NPO法人日本口腔科学会学術集会ワークショップ「がんを間質から考える」,“腫瘍血管の多様性と新たな治療法開発”,2014.5.8(東京)
  10. Hida K.:”Tumor endothelial cells as key players in tumor microenvironment.” International Symposium on Vascular Biology and Medicine, 2014.4.18(Sendai, Japan)
  11. Hida K.:”Heterogeneity of tumor endothelium”, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan


  1. Maishi N., Hida K.:“Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anti-angiogenic therapy”, The 17th HU-SNU JOINT SYMPOSIUM, 2014.11.28(Sapporo, Japan)
  2. Maishi N., Hida K.:17th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine, “Characterization of tumor endothelial cells for development of new anticancer drugs”, 2014.5.26 (Istanbul, Turkey)
  3. Hida K.:”Tumor endothelial cells as key players in tumor microenvironment.” International Symposium on Vascular Biology and Medicine, 2014.4.18(Sendai, Japan)
  4. Hida K.:”Heterogeneity of tumor endothelium”, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  5. Akiyama K., Ohga N., Hida Y., Maishi N., Alam Mohammad Towfik, Kawamoto T., Omura H., Yamada Y., Torii C., Shindoh M., Ohba Y., Hida K., P-gp inhibitor enhances antiangiogenic activity in metronomic chemotherapy, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  6. Maishi N., Ohba Y., Ohga N., Akiyama K., Hamada J., Yamamoto Y., Kawamoto T., Shindoh M., Hida Y., Hida K.: Tumor endothelial cells promote metastasis, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  7. Alam Mohammad Towfik, Nagao H., Ohga N., Akiyama K., Maishi N., Kawamoto T., Shinohara N., Taketomi A., Shindoh M., Hida Y., Hida K.: SBSN is a novel Tumor Endothelial Cell marker, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  8. Akino T., Nakayama H., Nonomura K., Hida K., Michael Klagsbrun : Netrin-1 promotes medulloblastoma cell invasiveness, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  9. Yamada K., Maishi N. Ohga N., Akiyama K., Kawamoto T., Alam Mohammad Towfik, Shindoh M. Takahashi N., Kamiyama T., Hida Y., Taketomi A., Hida K. : CXCL12/CXCR7 axis is important for tumor endothelial cell angiogenic property, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan
  10. Torii C., Ohga N., Akiyama K., Maishi N., Hojo T., Ohiro Y., Ono M., Totsuka Y., Kitagawa Y., Tei K., Hida Y., Shindoh M., Sato Y., Hida K.: Vasohibin-1 as a novel prognostic factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japa
  11. Hojo T., Maishi N., Akiyama K., Ohga N., Kondoh M., Shindoh M., Fujisawa T., Hida Y., Hida K. : Proangiogenic phenotype of Tumor Endothelial Cells induced by ROS accumulation, The 18th International Vascular Biology Meeting, 2014. 4.14-17, Kyoto, Japan


  1. 間石奈湖:Tumor endothelial cells instigate metastasis of indolent tumors, IGMリサーチワークショップ(第6回IGM研究交流会),2014.12.25(札幌)
  2. 間石奈湖,大場雄介,秋山廣輔,大賀則孝,浜田淳一,山本和幸,川本泰輔,Alam Mohammad Towfik, 進藤正信,樋田泰浩,樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮細胞のがん転移促進,第1回六甲医学研究会,2014.11.7(神戸)
  3. 間石奈湖,進藤正信,樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮細胞と腫瘍細胞の相互作用,第56回歯科基礎医学会学術大会・総会,2014.9.26(福岡)
  4. 秋野文臣,中山寛尚,篠原信雄,樋田京子,Klagsbrun M.:Netrin-1はmedulloblastomaの浸潤,増殖を促進する,第73回日本癌学会学術総会,2014.9.25(横浜)
  5. 山田健司,間石奈湖,秋山廣輔,大賀則孝,川本泰輔,進藤正信,高橋典彦,神山俊哉,樋田泰浩,武冨紹信,樋田京子:CXCR7を標的とした新規血管新生阻害療法の可能性,第73回日本癌学会学術総会,2014.9.25(横浜)
  6. 大賀則孝,近藤美也子,秋山廣輔,間石奈湖,北川善政,樋田泰浩,進藤正信,樋田京子:腫瘍内低酸素環境と腫瘍血管内皮の異常性の関連,第73回日本癌学会学術総会,2014.9.25(横浜)
  7. 間石奈湖,大場雄介,秋山廣輔,大賀則孝,浜田淳一,山本和幸,川本泰輔,Alam Mohammad Towfik, 進藤正信,樋田泰浩,樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮細胞のがん転移促進,第110回北海道癌談話会例会,2014.9.13(札幌)
  8. 鳥居ちさほ,進藤正信,秋山廣輔,樋田泰浩,大賀則孝,間石奈湖,大廣洋一,小野貢伸,戸塚靖則,松野吉弘,北川善政,鄭 漢忠,佐藤靖史,樋田京子:口腔扁平上皮癌における新規予後因子としてのVasohibin-1,第110回北海道癌談話会例会,2014.9.13(札幌)
  9. 北條敬之,間石奈湖,秋山廣輔,大賀則孝, 進藤正信,樋田泰浩,藤澤俊明,樋田京子:ROSが腫瘍血管内皮へ及ぼす影響,第110回北海道癌談話会例会,2014.9.13(札幌)
  10. 間石奈湖, 大場雄介, 秋山廣輔, 大賀則孝, 浜田淳一, 山本和幸, 川本泰輔,進藤正信, 樋田泰浩, 樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮細胞によるがん転移促進,第79回日本インターフェロン・サイトカイン学会学術集会,2014.6.19-20(札幌)
  11. 安永賢史,間石奈湖,秋山廣輔,山本和幸,Alam Mohammad Towfik,大賀則孝,篠原信雄,進藤正信,樋田泰浩,樋田京子:腫瘍血管における新規血管新生関連因子Biglycan の発現と機能,第103回日本病理学会総会,4.26(広島)
  12. 間石奈湖,大場雄介,大賀則孝, 秋山廣輔, 山本和幸,浜田淳一,川本泰輔,Alam Mohammad Towfik, 大村 瞳,進藤正信,樋田泰浩,樋田京子:腫瘍血管内皮細胞のがん転移促進,第103回日本病理学会総会,4.24(広島)
  13. 鳥居ちさほ,大賀則孝,秋山廣輔,間石奈湖,北條敬之,大廣洋一,小野貢伸,戸塚靖則,鄭 漢忠,樋田泰浩,進藤正信,佐藤靖史, 樋田京子:口腔扁平上皮癌における新規予後因子としてのVasohibin-1,第103回日本病理学会総会,4.24(広島)