*Hida K, Kawamoto T, Ohga N, Akiyama K, Hida Y, Shindoh M: Altered angiogenesis in the tumor microenvironment, Pathol Int, 61(11), 630-637, 2011
Kibria G, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H: Dual-ligand modification of PEGylated liposomes shows better cell selectivity and efficient gene delivery, J Controlled Release, 153(2), 141-148, 2011
Muraki C §, Ohga N §,Hida Y, Nishihara H, Kato Y, Tsuchiya K, Matsuda K, Totsuka Y, Shindoh M and *Hida K: Cyclooxygenase- 2 inhibition causes antiangiogenic effects on tumor endothelial and vascular progenitor cells, Int J Cancer,130(1), 59-72, 2011
Kurosu T, Ohga N, Hida Y, Maishi N, Akiyama K, Kakuguchi W, Kuroshima T, Kondo M, Akino T, Totsuka Y, Shindoh M, Higashino F and *Hida K.§: HuR keeps an angiogenic switch on by stabilizing mRNA of VEGF and COX-2 in tumor endothelium,Br JCancer, 104(5), 819-829, 2011 〔PDF〕
Nitta Y, Hida K, Kitamura T, Higashino F, Ohga N, Fukushima K, Shindoh M: Phenotype of tumor lymphatic vessels is a prognostic factor in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma, Oncol Lett, 2(1), 79-83, 2011
樋田京子:Recent Advance in Tumor Angiogenesis 2011, “腫瘍血管の多様性とがんの転移”, 2011.12.3(浜松)
樋田京子:函館Basic Cancer Forum, “腫瘍血管新生阻害療法における新たな局面-Lesson from Basic research”, 2011.11.24(函館)
樋田京子:The 8th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Association for Cancer and Hypoxia Research, “低酸素環境における腫瘍血管ダイナミクス”, 2011.1.29-30(札幌)
Ohga N, Ishikawa S, Hida Y, Akiyama K, Kitayama K, Kondoh M, Maishi N, Kawamoto T, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Shindoh M, Hida K:Comparative characterization of tumor endothelial cells isolated from highly and low metastatic tumors, The 5th Meeting of Asian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology,“A New Insights into Tumor endothelial cell”, 2011.8.24(Fukuoka, Japan)(Invited Speaker)
Maishi N, Ohga N, Hida Y, Ohba Y, Kawamoto T, Akiyama K, Kitayama K, Kondoh M, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Inoue N, Shindoh M, Hida K: Analysis of interaction between tumor endothelial cells and tumor cells, AACR 102nd ANNUAL MEETING 2011, 2011.4. 2-6, Orlando, Florida
Kondoh M, Ohga N, Kitayama K, Akiyama K, Maishi N, Kawamoto T, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Shindoh M, Inoue N, Hida Y, Hida K: Gene expression analysis of circulating endothelial cells in cancer patients, AACR 102nd ANNUAL MEETING 2011, 2011.4. 2-6, Orlando, Florida
山本和幸,大賀則孝,樋田泰浩,間石奈湖,川本泰輔,北山和子,秋山廣輔,大澤崇宏,近藤美弥子,加賀基知三,平野 聡, 篠原信雄,進藤正信,樋田京子 : Biglycan is an angiogenic factor stimulating cell migration of tumor endothelium, 第19回日本血管生物医学会学術集会, 2011.12.8-10(東京)
大賀則孝,石川修平,間石奈湖,秋山廣輔,樋田泰浩,川本泰輔,定本圭弘,近藤美弥子,大澤崇宏,山本和幸,大村 瞳,進藤正信,樋田京子 : Heterogeneity of Tumor Endothelial Cells:Comparison between Tumor Endothelial Cells Isolated from Highly Metastatic and Low Metastatic Tumors, 第19回日本血管生物医学会学術集会, 2011.12.8-10(東京)
川本泰輔,大賀則孝,秋山廣輔,間石奈湖,大澤崇宏,山本和幸,近藤美弥子,進藤正信,樋田泰浩,樋田京子: Tumor-derived Microvesicles Promote Cell Motility and Tubeformation via Endocytosis in Endothelial Cells, 第19回日本血管生物医学会学術集会, 2011.12.8-10(東京)
大澤崇宏,大賀則孝,北山和子,樋田泰浩,川本泰輔,近藤美弥子,間石奈湖,山本和幸,秋山廣輔,篠原信雄,野々村克也,進藤正信,樋田京子: The role of Lysyl oxidase on abnormal phenotypes of tumor endothelial cells, 第19回日本血管生物医学会学術集会, 2011.12.8-10(東京)
秋山廣輔,大賀則孝,樋田泰浩,川本泰輔,定本圭弘, 石川修平,間石奈湖, 秋野文臣, 近藤美弥子,大澤崇宏,山本和幸,大村 瞳,松田 彩,進藤正信,樋田京子: Tumor endothelial cells aquire drug resistance by MDR1 upregulation via VEGF signaling in tumor microenvironment, 第19回日本血管生物医学会学術集会, 2011.12.8-10(東京)
秋山廣輔,大賀則孝,樋田泰浩,石川修平,定本圭弘,川本泰輔,近藤美弥子,間石奈湖,鳥居ちさほ,北山和子,進藤正信,樋田京子:Endothelial cells acquire drug resistance by factors from tumor cells. 第63回日本細胞生物学会大会,2011.6.29(札幌)