Higashino F, *Hida K, Kitamura T, Ohga N, Shindoh M: Aberrant control of transcription and transportation of oncogenic mRNA in carcinogenesis, Oral Sci Int, 7(1), 11-18, 2010
*Hida K, Ohga N, Kurosu T, Totsuka Y and Shindoh M: Crosstalk between blood vessels and tumor microenvironment, Oral Sci Int, 7(1), 1-10, 2010
Takara K, Hatakeyama H, Ohga N, Hida K, Harashima H: Design of a dual-ligand system using a specific ligand and cell penetrating peptide, resulting in a synergistic effect on selectivity and cellular uptake, Int J Pharm, 396(1-2), 143-148, 2010
Kajimoto K, Hossen MN, Hida K, Ohga N, Akita H, Hyodo M, Hida . and Harashima H: Isolation and Culture of Microvascular Endothelial Cells from Murine Inguinal and Epididymal Adipose Tissue, J Immunol Methods, 357(1-2),43-50, 2010
Matsuda K §, Ohga N §, Hida Y, Muraki C, Kurosu T, Tsuchiya K, Akino T, Shih SC, Totsuka Y, Klagsbrun M, Shindoh M and *Hida K:Isolated tumor endothelial cells maintain specific character during long-term culture, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 394(4), 947- 954, 2010
Suzuki Y, Ohga N, Morishita Y, Hida K, Miyazono K and Watabe T: BMP-9 induces proliferation of multiple types of endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo, J Cell Sci, 123(10), 1684-1692, 2010
Tsuchiya K, *Hida K, Hida Y, Muraki C, Ohga N, Kondo T, Miseki T, Nakagawa K, Shindoh M, Harabayashi T, Shinohara N, Nonomura K and Kobayashi M: Adrenomedullin antagonist suppresses tumor formation in renal cell carcinoma through inhibitory effects on tumor endothelial cells and endothelial progernitor mobilization, Int J Oncol, 36(6), 1379-1386, 2010
Hida K: “Crosstalk between Tumor Endothelial Cells and Microenvironment.” The 13th Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Sympojium, 26th Nov, 2010 (Sapporo)
樋田京子:第56回日本病理学会秋期特別総会, “Crosstalk between tumor endothelial cells and microenvironment”, 2010.11.26(北九州)
Hida K: Crosstalk between blood vessels and tumor microenvironment. The Meeting of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Sister School Affiliation between Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University and School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University:2010 Oct 14:Sapporo, Japan
Hida K: “Crosstalk between Tumor Endothelial Cells and Microenvironment.” The 13th Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Sympojium, 26th Nov, 2010 (Sapporo)
Hida K: Crosstalk between blood vessels and tumor microenvironment. The Meeting of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Sister School Affiliation between Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University and School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University:2010 Oct 14:Sapporo, Japan
Hida K, Akino T, Hida Y, Tsuchiya K, Freedman D. Muraki C, Ohga N, Matsuda K, Akiyama K, Kurosu T, Kondo M, Maishi N, Harabayashi T, Shinohara N, Nonomura K, Klagsbrun M and Shindoh M: Cytogenetic Abnormalities of Tumor Endothelial Cells in Human Malignant Tumors, AACR 101st ANNUAL MEETING 2010, 2010.4.17-21, Washington DC
Hida Y, Ohga N, Muraki C, Akiyama K, Kondoh M, Maishi N, Kurosu T, Ishikawa S, Hirata N, Shindoh M and Hida K*: A Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3 Gallate Specifically Targets Tumor-Associated Endothelial Cells, AACR 101st ANNUAL MEETING 2010, 2010.4.17-21, Washington DC
Akiyama K, Ohga N, Hida Y, Akino T, Hirata N, Kurosu T, Ishikawa S, Kondo M, Maishi N, Kawamoto T, Inoue N, Shindoh M and Hida K*: Endothelial cells acquire abnormalities by factors from tumor cells, AACR 101st ANNUAL MEETING 2010, 2010.4.17-21, Washington DC
Ohga N, Hida K*:Inhibitory Effects of Epigallocatechin-3 Gallate, a Polyphenol in Green Tea, on Tumor-Associated Endothelial Cells and Endothelial Progenitor Cells, AACR-JCA Joint conference: CANCER GENOMICS, EPIGENOMICS, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL THERAPEUTICS, 2010.2.5-9, Waikoloa,Hawaii, USA
樋田京子, 秋山廣輔, 大賀則孝, 樋田泰浩, 北山和子, 近藤美弥子, 間石奈湖, 川本泰輔, 大澤崇宏, 山本和幸, 進藤正信:Tumor induces drug resistance of endothelial cells by nuclear translocation of YB-1 and up-regulation of MDR-1, 第18回日本血管生物医学会学術集会(大阪)
大賀則孝, 石川修平, 秋山廣輔, 北山和子, 近藤美弥子, 間石奈湖, 川本泰輔, 樋田泰浩, 進藤正信, 樋田京子:Comparative characterization of tumor endothelial cells isolated from highly and low metastatic tumors, 第18回日本血管生物医学会学術集会(大阪)
間石奈湖, 大賀則孝, 樋田泰浩, 大場雄介, 秋山廣輔, 北山和子, 近藤美弥子, 川本泰輔, 大澤崇宏, 山本和幸, 井上農夫男, 進藤正信, 樋田京子:Analysis of interaction between tumor endothelial cells and tumor cells, 第18回日本血管生物医学会学術集会(大阪)
川本泰輔, 大賀則孝, 北山和子, 秋山廣輔, 近藤美弥子, 間石奈湖, 大澤崇宏, 山本和幸, 進藤正信, 樋田泰浩, 樋田京子:Tumor-derived microvesicles cause gene changes in endothelial cells, 第18回日本血管生物医学会学術集会(大阪)
Ohga N, Ishikawa S. Hida Y, Akiyama K, Kitayama K, KondouM, Maishi N, Kawamoto T, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Shindoh M and Hida K*: Comparative characterization of tumor endothelial cells isolated from highly and low metastatic tumors, 第69回日本癌学会学術総会, 2010.9.22-24(大阪)
Akiyama K, Ohga N, Hida Y, Akino T, Kurosu T, Kitayama K, Ishikawa S, Kondoh M, Maishi N, Kawamoto T, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Shindoh M and Hida K*: Endothelial cells acquire drugresistance by factors from tumor cells, 第69回日本癌学会学術総会, 2010.9.22-24(大阪)
Kondoh M, Ohga N, Kurosu T, Kitayama K, Akiyama K, MaishiN, Kawamoto T, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Hida Y, Shindoh M and Hida K*. :Gene expression analysis of circulating endothelial cells in cancer patients, 第69回日本癌学会学術総会, 2010.9.22-24(大阪)
Kawamoto T, Ohga N, Kitayama K, Akiyama K, Kondou M, Maishi N, Ohsawa T, Yamamoto K, Hida Y, Shindoh M and Hida K*: Tumor-derived microvesicles cause gene changes in endothelial cells,第69回日本癌学会学術総会、2010.9.22-24(大阪)