Gnatho-occlusal Function

  • Related Key Words:
  • temporomandibular joint
  • masticatory muscles
  • occlusion
  • bruxism

In department of Gnatho-occlusal Function, we have been doing clinical studies as following themes.

1.Study on bruxism:
We are searching the clarification of day-time and nocturnal bruxism and searching the verification of the effectiveness of treatments.
We are using the small EMG for masticatory musucles and measuring the muscle activity for those subjects.

2.Study on masticatory musucles:
We aim to establish the diagnostic criteria for the desease of masuticatory muscles and elucidate the causes.

3. Study on TMJ disk disorder:We are considering the influence of TMJ disk disorder on the jaw position and the occlusion.

4. Study on malocclusion:
We are considering the clinical examination for malocclusion and influence on masticatory muscles and TMJ.