General Dentistry

  • Related Key Words:
  • Clinical dentistry
  • Common achievement test
  • Translational research
  • Regenerative dentistry
  • Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity

We provide seamless clinical education across the School of Dental Medicine, Clinical Training Center and the Graduate School of Dental Medicine. In the School of Dental Medicine, we are mainly involved in the general management of clinical education in the fifth and sixth years and the common achievement tests, such as CBT and OSCE. We also conduct lectures and exercises of professionalism, medical-dental collaboration and the SDGs.

In the research, we promote the development of advanced medical science, especially industry-academia collaboration and translational research, with the aim of training clinical dental researchers. In recent years, innovative research has been carried out by actively incorporating new ideas of game-changing technologies, as well as other field technologies.

Research themes.

  1. Creation and validation of biomaterials (scaffolds and bone grafting materials) based on ceramics and extracellular matrix for the regeneration of teeth and bone lost due to dental disease.
  2. Development of new antibacterial and anti-biofilm therapies based on nanotechnology and laser engineering for the treatment of infectious diseases such as root caries and periodontal disease.
  3. Integrated basic and clinical research for the practical use and dissemination of novel total wrist arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  4. Suggestion of new models of teaching and training in clinical education. The development of training systems for young researchers to promote collaborative research with industry.

In the postgraduate clinical training program for dentists, we are promoting comprehensive resident training in cooperation with the Division of General Dentistry in Hokkaido University Hospital and various dental sections.